OPENXML provides a rowset view over an XML document.
OPENXML(idoc int [in],rowpattern nvarchar[in],[flags byte[in]])
[WITH (SchemaDeclaration | TableName)]
Reads the XML text provided as input, parses the text by
using the MSXML parser (Msxmlsql.dll), and provides the parsed document in a
state ready for consumption. sp_xml_preparedocument limits the
number of elements that can be open at one time to 256.
This example creates an internal representation of the XML image using sp_xml_preparedocument. A SELECT statement using an OPENXML rowset provider is then executed against the internal representation of the XML document.
The OPENXML rowset provider creates a five-column rowset (author_id,
author_fname, author_lname, book_title and price) from which the SELECT statement retrieves the all the necessary columns.
The flag value is set to 2 indicating attribute-centric mapping. Therefore, the XML attributes map to the columns in the rowset. The rowpattern specified as /Books/Book identifies the <Books> nodes to be processed.
If the same SELECT statement is executed with flags set to any value other than 2, indicating element-centric mapping, the values of author_id, author_fname, author_lname, book_title and price for both of the book records in the XML document are returned as NULL.
OPENXML(idoc int [in],rowpattern nvarchar[in],[flags byte[in]])
[WITH (SchemaDeclaration | TableName)]
[ , xmltext ]
[ , xpath_namespaces ]
This example creates an internal representation of the XML image using sp_xml_preparedocument. A SELECT statement using an OPENXML rowset provider is then executed against the internal representation of the XML document.
@BookDetails xml
@BookDetails =
<book_title>Donet complete review</book_title>
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @handle OUTPUT, @BookDetails
SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@handle, '/Books/Book', 2) WITH
(author_id VARCHAR(5),
author_fname NVARCHAR(500),
author_lname NVARCHAR(500),
book_title NVARCHAR(100),
price nvarchar(10)
author_id author_fname author_lname book_title Price
author_id author_fname author_lname book_title Price
1 Stephen Smith Dotnet
reference 30.50$
2 John Arthor Donet complete review 35.50$
The flag value is set to 2 indicating attribute-centric mapping. Therefore, the XML attributes map to the columns in the rowset. The rowpattern specified as /Books/Book identifies the <Books> nodes to be processed.
If the same SELECT statement is executed with flags set to any value other than 2, indicating element-centric mapping, the values of author_id, author_fname, author_lname, book_title and price for both of the book records in the XML document are returned as NULL.
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