Reading Xml Elements contained within a XML using LINQ

In today's post i will read an XML file whose root node contains only XML elements. And this task will be achieved with the help of LINQ in C#.

Following Customer.xml file will be used for this sample demonstration:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Name>Steve Smith</Name>
    <CompanyName>Star Infotech Ltd</CompanyName>
    <JobTitle>Project Manager</JobTitle>
    <Address>133, 13th Floor, 2nd Street</Address>
    <City>New York</City>
    <Country>United States</Country>

 //Loading the customers xml into the XDocument object:
XDocument xDoc = 
            XDocument.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory+ "/Customers.xml");

//retreiving all the elements which are part of root node Customer
IEnumerable<XElement> custDetails = 
                                                    from row in xDoc.Descendants("Customer").Elements()
                                                    select row;

 foreach (XElement xEle in custDetails)
     //Displaying the Customer details one Xml Element at a time

You can see the details of the customer in the console output window.

Its really amazing how easy and helpful LINQ is to work with XML.

Happy Coding............
